Kostic Type Foundry


Light Regular Medium Bold
Narrow + Wide

Monotalic was created as a fun experiment, exploring better solutions for the monospaced type design.

Most monospaced (fixed-width) typefaces have the same main design problem regarding the lowercase – filling the empty space around l, f, i, j and r. That usually brings the addition of slab serifs to those narrow characters, causing many monospaced fonts to look and feel alike. Monotalic solves that problem by adopting the handwritten (or cursive) form for those problematic characters, which allows them to be defined in more strokes, thus getting a better distribution of form in that fixed-width space. On the other hand, cursive writing usually lacks the legibility of a Roman (Regular upright) style, so Monotalic was created to be a hybrid, taking the best of both worlds.

Monospaced fonts today are mostly used for coding. Modern code editors use colored text in order to differentiate between different kinds of code. So, in that environment there’s actually no need for traditional text styling by adding Italics, Bold or other styles, because the code lines are overstated as it is. That is why Monotalic focuses on one style only, in three widths and four weights. The weights allow users to choose the perfect contrast of text on screen, depending on their monitor resolution and background color in the editor.
Movie scripts are almost exclusively set in 12pt Courier. It became the industry standard because when set in the specific “screenplay format" it helps with the breakdown of the schedule and budgeting process of the film production. Although it looks completely different, text set in Monotalic (Normal width) will take the same amount of space as Courier.

01 Specimen

Six big devils from Japan quickly forgot how to waltz. We promptly judged antique ivory buckles for the next prize. Narrow Light

“Who takin’ the ebonics quiz?”, the prof jovially axed. How razorback jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts. Narrow

Grumpy wizards make a toxic brew for the jovial queen. Crazy Fredrick bought many very exquisite opal jewels. Narrow Medium

Sixty zips were quickly picked from the woven jute bag. Jump by vow of quick, lazy strength in Oxford. Narrow Bold

Big July earthquakes confound zany experimental vow. Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. Light

Foxy parsons quiz and cajole the lovably dim wiki-girl. Crazy Fredrick bought many very exquisite opal jewels. Regular

We promptly judged antique ivory buckles for the next prize. Six big devils from Japan quickly forgot how to waltz. Medium

How razorback jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts. “Who takin’ the ebonics quiz?”, the prof jovially axed. Bold

Crazy Fredrick bought many very exquisite opal jewels. Grumpy wizards make a toxic brew for the jovial queen. Wide Light

Jump by vow of quick, lazy strength in Oxford. Sixty zips were quickly picked from the woven jute bag. Wide

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. Big July earthquakes confound zany experimental vow. Wide Medium

Foxy parsons quiz and cajole the lovably dim wiki-girl. Grumpy wizards make a toxic brew for the jovial queen. Wide Bold

Of all the things in this world that man has invented, nothing can compare to the alphabet. To be able to send to a friend or acquaintance, far away somewhere in the wide world, one’s thoughts on a piece of paper: to be able to read what others wrote two thousand years ago and to be able to write something that others will be able to read several thousand years later; that is a science almost transcending the bounds of the human mind, and one can say that whoever first invented it, was more God than man. The alphabet has opened the road to the human mind, enabling it to approach God to the limits of its possibilities. It was invented some four thousand years ago, and after its difficult and strange development it has become so easy that today there is no easier skill, and has spread so much in the world that at present in Europe there are peoples among whom there is no one who cannot read and write.

Bialetti Narrow Light

Falconry Light

McGregor Regular

Colombian Supremo Medium

Plotz Bold

Wölfflin Wide

Brutalist Light

Serendipitous Light

Frank Regular

02 Language support

  • Basic Latin/English letters
  • West European diacritics
  • Central Europe
  • Baltic
  • Turkish
  • Romanian





03 Buying options

$108 Complete family



$30 Singles